Category Archives: Technology

Google Suppresses Books Mentioning the Confederacy

In response to the recent tragedy in Charleston and subsequent (and just) calls to remove the confederate flag from public buildings and monuments, Google last week announced it was jumping on the growing bandwagon of corporations that are pulling merchandise featuring the confederate flag from

CodeIgniter sessions randomly timing out

Disclaimer: This post is about cookies, not books. In fact, cookies and books do not go together – as anyone with children can attest, they tend to leave nasty little oil stains on the pages and crumbs in the gutter. (now it’s at least vaguely book

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RIP e-readers: 2010 – 2010?

Echoing a few of our earlier sentiments on why the Kindle would go the way of the dodo (which is, by the way, what the birds in the header of our blog are – because we’re in the printed book industry ourselves), Kit Eaton at

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Get Your Rare Book Fix in Boston

One of the oldest and largest book fairs in the country, the 2009 Boston International Antiquarian Book Fair is sure to be a crowd-pleaser. Browsers and buyers will have the chance to see several incredibly rare books, such as a signed, first edition of Amelia

A New Look for the Independent Online Booksellers Association

The Independent Online Booksellers Association (IOBA), a trade association dedicated to maintaining high ethical and professional standards in order to foster greater trust between book buyers and sellers, has a new look on its e-commerce site: The site, powered by Biblio, features new, used,

New ABAA website goes live

The Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association of America (ABAA) has a new look online! Created in 1949, the ABAA has built a strong professional network of booksellers carrying high-quality books. They are the oldest antiquarian bookseller association in the United States, and continue to remain a cornerstone

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As deadline looms, opposition to Google’s book scanning mounts

The Internet Archive has thrown in its opposition to the Google book scanning settlement, requesting they be allowed the “same limitation of potential copyright liability as Google.”  In fact, we think that if Google is given this broad indemnity against copyright infringement, every individual and