Monthly Archives: February 2009

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Rest In Peace Mr. Farmer

Philip Jose Farmer passed away in his sleep this morning at the age of 91. Farmer was one of the first authors I found when delving into science fiction for the first time. I remember reading Dayworld during summer break in middle school, leaning  against

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The Great Google Book Search Settlement

I found an interesting bit of news linking the book world to the geek work recently in Timothy Lee’s report over at Ars Technica on remarks by Richard Sarnoff, the chairman of the Association of American Publishers, at Princeton’s Center for Information Technology Policy. Mr.

Brief notes from the San Francisco book fair

This past weekend, Stephen and I had the good fortune to attend the ABAA international book fair in San Francisco. Although a dreary weekend in the bay area (fortunately there was an REI store across from the convention center where I could procure a new

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New Author Challenge 2009

Ok, I’m getting a bit of a late start on this, but I just discovered a very popular online group called The New Author Challenge 2009. The challenge runs from January 1 to December 31, 2009, so I’ve got some reading to do! The premise

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Book Zeitgeist

Its always fun to speculate on how an alien culture would interpret our society, with our McDonald’s arches and reality TV shows. So our search engine isn’t quite alien technology, but we thought we’d ask it what it thinks of society in 2009, by looking gets a new skin for a new year

For those who haven’t noticed yet, we’ve quietly rolled out a little 2009 polish on  That image on the side, by the way, is taken from a very cool WPA library poster. The main changes, of course, are cosmetic, but we’ve also made the

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I Shall Buy Books on Ebay No More Forever

I don’t understand the bookseller who advertises a book club edition as the first edition, but I’ve fallen for it twice. Too much in a hurry for a deal, twice I’ve found Ebay auctions for one of my favorite modern firsts and believed the description