
for.theloveofbooks.com is maintained by the geeky staff of Biblio.com (one of the leading online sites for used, rare, and out-of-print books) as a regular digression into the inner workings of the book industry, books, independent bookselling and whatever else (however slightly related) that comes to mind.

Reader be warned, as a small, independent company, we’re likely to take an editorial position and actually speak our mind on topic such as why small businesses are vastly superior to soulless megacorps, social responsibility, censorship, and other issues.

Of course, we’ll also spend a lot of time talking about rare books, things we’ve read and enjoyed, technology, etc.  But we promise to keep fairly well on target by keeping it book related.

We welcome comments on all our posts – especially if you have a counter opinion to ours, so please feel free to loosen the bowtie here and share your own views with candour.

By the way, if you’re shopping for used or out-of-print books, why not check us out as a great socially responsible, small business alternative to the giant corporate book selling behemoths?

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