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The printed book survives to fight another day.

Nearly buried under news about Google’s rights to distribute ebooks was a quiet announcement of a long awaited change to the book industry. The Times was one of a fairly small number of media sources that covered the trial installation of the Espresso Book Machine,

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Coming May 1st – International Buy Indie Day

Author Joseph Finder is trying to get a new “holiday” on the calendar: international buy indie day.  This Friday, people everywhere are pledging to visit a local independent bookstore and make a purchase.  Here’s to hoping you’ll be one of them! Why, you ask?  Why,

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Bildungsroman Smackdown: Dickens vs. Adiga

I read two books simultaneously recently:  Aravind Adiga’s White Tiger, and Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations.   Talk about a really fascinating juxtaposition! Both are what you would call bildungsroman novels, meaning the plots  center around the development of a central character.  But talk about a brutal

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Books as contraband?

So, what really happens if CPSIA isn’t overturned? Those books you read and loved as a kid? Gone. Osbolete. Illegal, in fact. Books as contraband? Yes.

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Why do some people want to drag politics into Everything?

In our recent customer newsletter, we featured “green” books in celebration of Earth Day.  And, of course, we got some feedback from customers.  Without further ado, presenting evidence that People are Weird: Why are you sending out “green” books for Earth Day, but no Atlas