Category Archives: Bookselling

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Laying siege to your local library

Make no mistake, in the world of books, there is no idyllic indian summer. No lazy dog days’ afternoons. No sweet corn harvest. No last minute dash to the coast. For this is the beginning of the Library Sale Wars. This is the time that

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Save Wordsmiths! And your other (local) bookstores…

I was driving home from the office the other day and heard a compelling story on NPR about Wordsmiths Books, an independent bookstore in Decatur, Georgia, that is currently asking for financial contributions to help offset their start-up debts. Start-up debts, you ask? What do

Presidential campaigns go graphic

  OK, I got started on this thread by looking at an interesting post on Book Patrol about John McCain’s reading habits.  I did a bit of searching loosely centered around the topic of the presidential candidates and books, and before you know it I

BookHound 7ce: Free Bookstore Software for Windows XP and Vista has partnered with Bibliopolis to offer booksellers BookHound 7ce (Community Edition) for Windows XP and Vista operating systems. This release is available starting today, and will offer booksellers a new option for free inventory management software. To download the Windows version of BookHound 7ce,

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Look Homeward, Bibliophile

Not so long ago, I wrote about Asheville’s penchant for books. (For those who don’t already know, is based in beautiful Asheville, NC – home of Thomas Wolfe). Over the past weekend, our local newspaper, the Asheville Citizen-Times, just happened to run a story

Of Books and Backaches

Pazzo Books (a longtime bookseller with has a great tipsheet for moving a bookstore over at the Bookshop Blog. Probably many of us in the book trade can sympathize with Tom, having endured this pain at some point, or at least dreaded it. Usually,

Declining economy = increasing readership?

According to a brief article in the Chicago Post-Tribune, libraries in Lake County and Porter County Illinois are seeing a surge in circulations and a rise in patronage, owing, in part to the current economy. Its terrific to hear news such as this, since libraries

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Newark needs a bookstore

The New York Times reports that in 2007, Newark, NJ “ranked last among the nation’s 69 largest cities in the number of bookstores per capita, with 15 stores for 281,000 people, or 0.53 stores per 10,000 residents.”  That sounds like an irresistible call to action

Colorado Antiquarian Book Seminar scholarship available

Just a reminder that is still accepting applications from booksellers to receive a scholarship to attend the Colorado Antiquarian Book Seminar this August. Complete details are available at the previous link, but in a nutshell, we’re looking for a bookseller whose work or business

Adding photos to book listings

Bruce Hollingdrake has a great tip sheet over at The Bookshop Blog that helps unravel some of the mystery around getting book inventory photos online.  We know this can often be a stumbling point for booksellers as they grapple with the technology that surrounds the