Category Archives: book industry

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Books as contraband?

So, what really happens if CPSIA isn’t overturned? Those books you read and loved as a kid? Gone. Osbolete. Illegal, in fact. Books as contraband? Yes.

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Nabokov’s Last Novel to be Released in November

Penguin Classics has announced the release date for Vladimir Nabokov’s last manuscript, “The Original of Laura.” Nabokov, author of “Lolita” and “Pale Fire,” is widely regarded as one of the greatest writers of the 20th century.

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As deadline looms, opposition to Google’s book scanning mounts

The Internet Archive has thrown in its opposition to the Google book scanning settlement, requesting they be allowed the “same limitation of potential copyright liability as Google.”  In fact, we think that if Google is given this broad indemnity against copyright infringement, every individual and

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Amazon censoring gay-themed books?

This story is still developing, but according to this PC World arcticle and other various news sources, Amazon dropped certain books from its sales rank lists over Easter weekend due to a “glitch.” Most of these, as discovered by publisher Mark Probst, were gay-themed or

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CPSIA and childrens’ books – the Winners and the Losers

With the recent passage of CPSIA (Consumer Product Safety Act), with its serious implications for the sale and distribution of childrens’ books, we thought it might be appropriate to look at who “wins” and who “loses” in the book industry as a result of this

See you at the NY Antiquarian Book Fair this weekend!

We’ll be attending the New York Antiquarian Book Fair this weekend, and hope to see you there! This is a great opportunity for booksellers, avid collectors, or readers who just simply want to feast their eyes on some beautiful books. Here’s the official info, courtesy