Tag Archives: donotimport

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ReCAPTCHA’s so cool…

My afternoon has been spent trying to stop spam in Biblio.com’s forums. Stopping spam is usually a thankless job. Today it was fun. ReCAPTCHA is an interesting take on proving you are human. It displays two words from pages that could not be OCR’d. One

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When you spend a lot of time looking at books like commodities, as I do in our business, sometimes you sort of forget that the books have things in them. Things like information, sometimes true and sometimes false, heartrending, well-told stories and trite, really badly

Advice to a teenager… don’t read these books

As a teenager, I suffered from pretty severe iconoclasticitis. Most everyone else called it by its common name: rebelliousness. But, when I wasn’t staging some inane sit-in or walk out over a meaningless point of bureaucratic trivia, or heckling my calculus teacher (who liked to

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More on trashing books…

One of my first college writing teachers asked us to do the following exercise: choose a page in the grammar book assigned for the course and write in a page margin the worst thing you’ve ever done, then tear out the margin where you wrote

BookHound 7ce: Free Bookstore Software for Windows XP and Vista

Biblio.com has partnered with Bibliopolis to offer booksellers BookHound 7ce (Community Edition) for Windows XP and Vista operating systems. This release is available starting today, and will offer booksellers a new option for free inventory management software. To download the Windows version of BookHound 7ce,

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New issue of BiblioUnbound is out!

The June issue of BiblioUnbound, our customer e-zine, was released today. This month, we focused on the paperback: why we love it, why we hate it, how to collect it and preserve it. It was a really fun issue to put together, and I hope

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Newark needs a bookstore

The New York Times reports that in 2007, Newark, NJ “ranked last among the nation’s 69 largest cities in the number of bookstores per capita, with 15 stores for 281,000 people, or 0.53 stores per 10,000 residents.”  That sounds like an irresistible call to action

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Books and Their Natural Enemies

I recently realized I didn’t know as much as I thought about caring for books. As someone with several rare books, it seemed a good idea to get better informed. While the worst enemy of books is probably humans (ahem, guilty), this discussion is about