When you spend a lot of time looking at books like commodities, as I do in our business, sometimes you sort of forget that the books have things in them. Things like information, sometimes true and sometimes false, heartrending, well-told stories and trite, really badly
All posts by frieda
More on trashing books…
One of my first college writing teachers asked us to do the following exercise: choose a page in the grammar book assigned for the course and write in a page margin the worst thing you’ve ever done, then tear out the margin where you wrote
Turn books into a different kind of art?
When my friend saw online instructions for a project turning an old book cover into a purse and asked for my help I thought it was a fairly clever idea. We found some pretty book covers on hardbacks that weren’t worth much as books anymore,
Who writes this stuff?
Yesterday our e-mail queues were assaulted by several e-mails which we believe to be pranks. Please see a sampling below and let us know if you have any clues about the perpetrator… “i think you guys should have a mascot or something: BiblioMan. and he