Join the Biblio Book Hunt

We like to play games. But only ones where our customers win something big–like a $200 BiblioBucks gift certificate. And what better game to play than a treasure hunt?

So welcome to the Biblio Book Hunt, a treasure hunt exclusively for our Twitter fans! Here’s how to play:

  1. Join Twitter if you haven’t done so already.
  2. Follow Catherine, our marketing coordinator for Biblio under “@bookish_type” or simply click here and hit “Follow.”
  3. The Book Hunt will be announced several days in advance on Twitter, so check our recent posts.
  4. When the Book Hunt starts, one (1) clue will be given each day for 20 business days. Clues will relate to a particular book listed for sale on our website. Clues can include information about the author, the book’s publishing history, the copy’s appearance, etc.
  5. Clues will also be tagged with the search tag “#bookhunt” on Twitter so you can check back if you missed a clue.
  6. If you think you know what the book is, you must reply with the author, title and URL using the “@” reply on Twitter to bookish_type.
  7. First person to reply with the correct book wins a $200 BiblioBucks Gift Certificate. It never expires, and can be used for any purchase on our site! Winner will be announced immediately on Twitter.

Questions? Comments? Mass confusion about game rules? Let us know on Twitter with a reply, please.

Have fun and good luck!

Disclaimer: Twitter followers who have won a previous book hunt or another promotional contest from Biblio on Twitter are ineligible to win again for 6 months. Employees of and their immediate family members are ineligible to participate in promotional contests and offers from

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